P2PWD-1642 As a member I am restricted from signing up (my plan does not show) if there is a date when the subscription should be canceled at in user subscriptions
P2PWD-1633 As a gym manager when I changed the duration of a class that did not have open bookings it changed the time
P2PWD-1626 Pricing - Activate on Specified Date was not saving the date properly
P2PWD-1616 Invoice showing as incomplete_expired
P2PWD-1605 Reporting->Invoices updates to caching so it loads faster
P2PWD-1603 On-hold subscriptions were showing as active in the Payments->Subscriptions grid
P2PWD-1560 One time events are not showing up in the schedule page until after booking opens
P2PWD-1547 Email Address with 2 dots gives user not found
P2PWD-1400 Product Purchase - Push Trigger not working for all admins
P2PWD-1615 As a user if the plan id is present in the URL and it is a free plan I want to have my plan auto activated and land on the event search page
P2PWD-1613 As a user when I signup I should be prompted if I have an account OR I am a new user
P2PWD-1611 As a user I should be able to remove a payment method
P2PWD-1595 Unable to update inventory for certain products
P2PWD-1591 Add CC on file for the member to the header
P2PWD-1588 Add Pause Start and End Date to membership subscriptions
P2PWD-1571 Need to show the cancelation date on the Membership Subscriptions grid
P2PWD-1569 Future invoices not showing all - just the immediate next one
P2PWD-1542 Add a notification to the user if they cancel a class and it is past the window of time to get a pass back.
P2PWD-1524 Once a payment method is entered process outstanding invoices
P2PWD-1521 Cancelled participants should cancelled instead of without billing.
P2PWD-1520 Update the schedule widget to hide/show participants based on setting for org
P2PWD-1488 As a member I want to see all my reservations for all my connected accounts on one page
P2PWD-1422 Add the ability to select classes that are associated with a plan when creating a plan
P2PWD-1541 Adding a child to a class is not always assigning billing
P2PWD-1540 When a new user signs up their organization is not always selected initially
P2PWD-1600 Updates on the confirmation when instructors add people to a class
P2PWD-1523 When the user tries to register and already has a confirmed account, they would receive an error message
P2PWD-1518 Updates to home page to view Class Schedule
P2PWD-1474 When filtering the user calendar by day, the correct data did not get returned in some cases
P2PWD-1438 Self Service POS - Scanning a product code auto opens a product pop-up