P2PWD-1503 Adding a coupon from the Create Subscription page results in spinning
P2PWD-1502 Cancelling a reservation for a child account returns unauthorized error.
P2PWD-1455 Contact status is not being set on members and prospects
P2PWD-1441 Stripe settings - char limit error on portal description causes privacy policy and terms links not to update properly
P2PWD-1440 Adding an Apostrophe in a product attribute causes and error
P2PWD-1483 As a member I should not get my pass back if I cancel outside the cancellation window.
P2PWD-1482 Show the payment used for bookings
P2PWD-1419 If a plan is specified show the remaining passes on the product grid
P2PWD-1462 App Crashing when waiver signed - also requiring user to sign multiple times
P2PWD-1299 App crashes when clicking on push notifications from chat
P2PWD-1255 iCal not updating properly when instructor changed
P2PWD-1475 As a member I want to add my children under my email address to register them for class