Getting Started

Getting Started

Step-by-step guide

To get started you will need to enter your password, contact information and match availability.

Update Your Password:
  1. Go to MyProfile -> Edit Profile.
  2. Click on Change Password
  3. Enter Old Password
  4. Enter New Password
  5. Re-Type New Password
  6. Click on Change Password



Update Your Contact Information:
  1. Go to MyProfile -> Edit Profile.
  2. Edit your First Name (required), Last Name (required), Street Address, City/State, Zip, Email (required), Home Phone, Cell Phone, USTA Rating, and Gender (required).
  3. Check Receive Email Reminders if you want MTG to email you reminders about your matches.
  4. Click on Update



Update Your Availability:


  1. Go to MyAvailability -> Match Availability.
  2. Enter your preference, Click Singles, Doubles or Both
  3. Enter your availability, Click Yes or No
  4. Repeat for all matches in the list.
  5. When you are finished, Click Update
Note : You may update your availability at any time for teams.


At this point, you have completed your setup. Once you are scheduled for matches, you will need to confrim your matches.  

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