To allow you customers to use the Plan2Play Connect App to purchase products use the instructions below:
Before you begin adding products you will want to collect the following information:
- Any product attributes you wish to keep track of so you can use our inventory features. Attributes are things like color or size for clothing or flavors for drinks,
- UPC codes for the products you are entering if you wish to allow your members to use our scan features
- Local Tax Rates for the items you will be selling
- Any images you wish to use to display the products to your members
Next you will need to login to Plan2Play and setup the following:
- Select Manage->Pricing from the left menu
- Select the Products tab
Product Attributes
If you will be using product attributes follow the steps below
- Select the "Product Category" button
- Select "Add Product Category"
- Enter the name of the category (i.e. Clothing)
- Now select the "+" icon next to the category you entered to input the types of attributes you wish to track
- Enter the attributes as a comma delimited list. For example "Color, Size"
Add Product
- Select the "Add Product" button
- Enter the product details as shown below:
- If you will be using the scan feature in the mobile app you must enter the UPC code. This code can be found on the product and is entered with a leading "0" + all the numbers you see on the label. For example for a SpinDrift orange you would enter the following code as derived from the photo "0856579002279":
- Select "Next"
- If you will be using "Multiple Attributes" make sure to fill out the information for each kind of item you are selling as shown below:
- Batch Eligible - This feature will keep track of all member purchases in a given time frame and batch the purchases to help you save on processing fees. For example if Ellen purchases 5 waters during the week it will put it through as one transaction for 5 waters.
- Select "Save Product"
- Login to the Plan2Play Connect mobile app to check your work.