MTG Group FAQs

MTG Group FAQs

My captain has setup a group that I am a part of, how do I login to enter availability/view the schedule?
  • You should have received an email including your MTG username along with a temporary password. If you cannot find this email, please check your spam/junk mail folder & ask your captain which email address they used to sign you up with MTG. If you still cannot find this email, please let a support representative know by submitting a support request here:
  • Once logged in, you can enter availability (if the captain is still requesting availability) by going to My Profile>Match Availability
  • You can view the group schedule (if your captain has published the schedule) by viewing your home My Schedule page
How do I know if my captain has published the schedule?
  • Once your captain has published your group schedule, you will receive an email.
Have more questions? Please submit a support request here:

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